How To Publish Your Article Online For Free Easy 5 Step Guide

Anzhela Kalsynova
3 min readFeb 15, 2021


If you want to know how to publish your article online for free, you are in the right place! Publishing your material on different sites is a strong tool with a lot of benefits:

  • Getting quality links to your site helps you build your site authority and a better position in search results.
  • Getting traffic and new clients from these sites.
  • Getting social proof of your expertise. You can share this article on your social media and site to gain trust and authority from your audience.

You can publish your article online for free. But you have to find the right sites and prepare good quality material.

1. Where To Publish: Find A Source

Where to publish? The longest way — search in Google “where to publish your article for free”, then study the results and conditions of publications.

The easiest way — you read an article on this topic, how you are doing it now. Check the sources that the writer is recommending (you will find recommendations to publish your article online for free in step 4).

2. Choose The Right Site

What you have to look for to choose the right site to publish your article?

  • How big the source.
  • How relevant is the content of the site to your topic?
  • Domain Authority.

Which sites you don’t need:

  • Some blogs like LiveJournal don’t allow links to be indexed.
  • Sites with only press-releases published.
  • Sites with small traffic.

3. Contact An Admin To Publish Your Article Online For Free

When you choose your sites to publish your article, check conditions for publications or write to the admin and discuss them.

4 Top Sites To Publish Your Article Online For Free


4. Prepare The Article To Publish It Online

If you want your article was published online for free, it has to have some value for the chosen site. In the best-case scenario, it is supposed to become the pearl of the content. Minimum goal — not to be worse than other articles on this site.

  • Choose the topic and check this site doesn’t have articles with the same topic.
  • Prepare the material and include a link on your web site or social media.
  • Check the material on being useful for readers, add expertise if necessary.
  • Send the article.

5. Truck The Results

When your article is accepted you start to track results.

First of all, the link on your site in the article is supposed to be with the UTM mark. Now you can see site referrals in Google Analytics.

At least 1 time per week truck all your publications. Pay attention to likes and shares, analyze how successful it was and why. Read and answer all comments, it adds points to your online visibility and your karma too.

If you need help to publish your article online, you can join our membership in Let’s Publish Your Article. We have expertise and knowledge on where it is better to publish your article online on free and paid sites and media. For $49 per month, you will get 1 online publication with a picture and a link on high DA sites.

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Anzhela Kalsynova

Storyteller, Founder of Let’s Publish Your Article